The Wrist Watch And the Digital Age


Growing up, a wristwatch was considered a sign that you were intelligent. We didn't have to worry about the time as kids. The wrist watch was something we knew would control our lives, and not something to lose. The digital watch was born.


The digital watch was probably invented by someone whose children were always late and never got home on time. But, hey, they didn’t have a wristwatch so they couldn’t know what time it is. All of this was changed by digital watches. They did cool things digitally that were not possible with posh quartz wristwatches.


Casio was a great company that made some of the most innovative digital watches. They had calculators, so you could play basic number games. You could also play crazy digital tunes such as "The Yellow Rose of Texas" with a terrible tinny plong.


All the children loved Casio digital watches. Soon, digital watches were being made in Japan and China by manufacturers who copied the Casio model but could not match it.


It was just not the same when you opened your Christmas presents expecting to see a Casio Digital Watch. However, your parents went out and bought you the latest high-tech gadget only to find that you were just another kid at school.


While DM20 Smartwatch  have advanced since my youth, they remain the same timepiece. While they still display the time on a grey screen and have black digits, modern digital watches are much more well-engineered. The digital watch's evolution has been a backwards step.


Casio realized that they had taken the digital watch to the limit and wanted to move on to better and more advanced products. The youth of today also realized that after listening to "The Yellow Rose of Texas" about one hundred times, you no longer cared for it that much.


The youth of the day realized that we were becoming slaves from time to time. Our parents had lured us into digital slavery with a Casio digital wristwatch that could do all we could imagine and more.


We knew when tea was and what time we had until it ended. We all gave up wearing watches after a few years. Our parents didn't want us to buy one because they thought it was too costly to lose.


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